Click here to register for a combi registration with the Student Association MFAS. Personal data First name Surname Date of birth Address data Street name House number Zipcode Place name Contact details E-mailadress Phone number Study data Studentnumber college year —Kies een optie—Pre-MasterMaster Year 1Master Year 2Alumnus Payment agreement I agree with this registration for a membership of two years at Study Association MIKpunt. I will transfer the corresponding amount of €10 to the Study Association MIKpunt; IBAN: NL60 RABO 0325 0956 39 attn. MIKpunt stating my first and last name and student number. Yes, I agreeNo, I don't agree Privacy consent I agree that my email address will be saved for a maximum of 25 years so that I can be invited to alumni-related activities: Yes, I agreeNo, I don't agree I agree to be placed in a Whatsapp group to stay informed about MIKpunt events: Yes, I agreeNo, I don't agree I agree that photos may be taken of me during MIKpunt events, unless I email before an event that I dithdraw my consent: Yes, I agreeNo, I don't agree